Please call 587-285-0447 or email us at for details on how to reserve your child's spot. Our daycare offers a very reasonable and affordable price to help and meet the parents needs in terms of childcare. We will offer affordable prices but high quality childcare services.
The high demand for childcare in Alberta means space is limited and wait lists often exist childcare programs. Southfort Daycare does not charge a fee or collect a deposit when placing children on the wait list for admission into a childcare program. However, when a position is available, and we contact you to enroll your child we do require the $50.00 non-refundable registration fee.
To ensure fair and equal access the following policies will be observed:
A child is put on the wait list when a parent/guardian contacts the Director, at Southfort Daycare & OSC. This contact can be made online via the Southfort Daycare OCS ( website or over the phone at 780-589-0447.
Once an intake is received by the Director, a confirmation that a child has been placed on the wait list will be sent to notify parents/guardian within one (1) business day of the initial request by the individual program supervisor or designate. This intake form is not an application and does not guarantee the child's enrolment into a program.
There is a separate wait list for each program and each age group within that program. Waitlists are confidential, and positions of children on the waitlist are only discussed with the individual child’s parent/guardian. Parents/guardians who wish to inquire, may contact the director to determine their position on the wait list and approximate wait times.
If parents/guardians want to make changes to their intake profile, they must contact the Director. Intake forms are filed in the order in which they are received.
A space in the program is created when a child leaves a centre or changes rooms. Spaces can become available at any time throughout the year. When a space becomes available, parent/guardians are contacted by phone, and email in the sequential order of their placement on the wait list. After being contacted, parents/guardians must notify a centre within two (2) business days of their intention to either accept or decline the space. If a parent/guardian has been contacted two (2) times within a six (6) month period and has declined the space; they will be removed from the wait list. If the parent/guardian declines the offered space, the next parent/guardian on the list is called; this process continues until the space is filled.
There are various circumstances that affect wait list times and access to programs:
Once a child is officially offered a space and the space is accepted, the parent/guardian will be required to pay our $50.00 non-fundable registration fee within 48hours. If families fail to do so their position will be revoked, and the next family will be offered the spot.